Thriving & Surviving Motherhood!

Are you feeling over worked? worn out? drained?

Are you a mom? ...yupp that's normal!



One of the distinct beauties of motherhood is the way in which it teaches you the subtle intricacy of balancing the priorities of a child and the well-being of your own person. Okay it doesn't feel as superb as I'm making it sound but it is a journey toward balancing selflessness and self-care. This video gives you three areas to check (as a mother) for refreshment. As well as ideas on how to refresh and restore yourself as a mother. 

Hope you enjoyed this video! Be sure to check out our last blog, "Identity Crisis: Cubicles to Cribs"


Remember, take it one day at a time, pray for strength & grow.



Breaking My Silence


Identity Crisis: From Cubicles to Cribs