Gorgeous Mama Award 2022

Something went down in another mom's group that really got to me. A mama asked about moving to a New Jersey inner city and people went in.

"Why would you want to do that?"

"That's literally the worst place to raise kids, you'll hate it there."

"Don't do it, THEY don't care about their own neighborhood."

The comments painted a bleak picture of a city that I know first hand is full of so much beauty and good. (Not to mention the undertones)

I thought to myself, "oh, they must not really know! They've never met...

  • The educator who shows up and pours out daily

  • The ministry leader who serves relentlessly to show God's love

  • The doula who works the midnight shift to fight maternal mortality

  • The budding politician who is mobilizing the community to vote

And so many more...

Instead of starting a keyboard fight that day, I made a decision. I decided that I would use my voice as a community builder to amplify the beauty and light in our communities.

The Gorgeous Mama Award was birthed ✨

from the desire to uplift dedicated individuals in the Jersey/Philly area who give back to their community.

It's our way of saying,

"We see you sis! Thank you for ALL that you do."

Nominations are open now and we will honor the chosen mama at our Moms Giving Dinner on November 5th and on our social channels.

We plan to recognize every nominee, and in a small way bring a bit of joy back to her heart. If you live or work in any marginalized community, then I bet you are already thinking of a mom who is the heartbeat of her community.

Here's how you can support:

1) Nominate a Jersey/Philly mom before Friday, 10.28.22.

2) Spread the word about this post!

3) Do you know lots of mamas you would nominate if you could? them below.

4) If you're a mom in the area, join us for Moms Giving!

Nomination criteria and a brief form is on the button below.

Let's raise our voices together and celebrate these phenomenal women! We are so much better together.

Reach out with any questions or concerns.


What You Should Know About The Upcoming MomsGiving


Moms Group New Jersey/Philadelphia News - October 14, 2022