25 Small Changes Moms of Color Can Make Towards Wellness & Clean Living
Don’t we all agree that making small steps towards wellness would benefit our families? Whether its choosing healthier foods, eating organically, buying non-toxic products, or meditating daily, we all want healthier lives for ourselves and our children.
Unfortunately, changing habits and switching to an all-natural and organic lifestyle can seem costly and overwhelming. With all the things on your mind as a mom of color, I recommend making small changes towards healthier living. Here are 25 bite-sized ways to live a more natural, clean, and healthier lifestyle.
The Hopes and Fears in Raising a Minority Child
The day I started dating my husband, Edward, was the first day I started hearing comments about how our future children would turn out. One of the first reactions I received on my interracial relationship went something like this: “Hey, I’m happy for you, but oh my, I can already see it, you’re going to have really dark kids with crazy hair! What are you going to do about your child’s hair?!” Comments like this annoyed me and made me wonder why my future children being dark with tightly coiled hair was such a bad thing. Contrary to what everyone expected, my firstborn son, Emmanuel, was born with light skin and fine hair, and the comments turned into: “Oh he’s beautiful, so glad he got your good genes!” To most, he is a precious Hispanic boy, seemingly without a trace of blackness. I easily feel offended and a myriad of fears creep into my heart.