25 Small Changes Moms of Color Can Make Towards Wellness & Clean Living
Don’t we all agree that making small steps towards wellness would benefit our families? Whether its choosing healthier foods, eating organically, buying non-toxic products, or meditating daily, we all want healthier lives for ourselves and our children.
Unfortunately, changing habits and switching to an all-natural and organic lifestyle can seem costly and overwhelming. With all the things on your mind as a mom of color, I recommend making small changes towards healthier living. Here are 25 bite-sized ways to live a more natural, clean, and healthier lifestyle.
A Resource for Moms Who Want to Be Well
I want to know more about eating well and raising the girls in a healthier environment. So I've decided to head down to Atlanta in October for The Shiftcon Conference. Shiftcon was created to give wellness influencers a place to network, share ideas, and learn from experts. I cannot wait to share with you guys all that I learn.
It's God's Grace
For context, I was 12 years old, weighed 86 pounds, wore glasses and was freshly removed from an unforgiving elementary stint with braces. There was no mistake. His cruel taunts were in reference to my noticeably underdeveloped body.
Throughout my adolescent years, the destructive messages I internalized were everywhere. The lighter skinned, long-haired women frequently featured in music videos on BET’s 106 & Park told me that my short hair and darker skin were not as pretty. I seriously believed nothing about me would ever be desirable.