Motherhood - The Joy of Supporting One Another
Most moms can relate to feeling like we are living under a microscope with people watching us and waiting to criticize us about anything that they do not agree with or understand. It could be the disapproving glance of a nosy lady at Target because your child is misbehaving publicly or incredulous looks if you choose to continue nursing your toddler.
7 Heavenly Promises for the Weary Mom.0
Diaper change number four. BEEP! Good, laundry load number 2 finished. BUZZ. Text: "What’s for dinner?” Sigh. Well it’s thirty minutes until nap-time, so soon I can figure that out, and maybe wipe down the kitchen. Wait, isn’t church Bible study tonight? I haven’t done the homework! I'll have to scan it on the drive over.
Breaking My Silence
What story? That of a writer, an artist, and someone who typically loved to uplift and encourage others, who had been battling with a serious feeling of inadequacy as a mother, wife, business owner, and most importantly, as a Christian. This feeling had affected me so that it actually silenced me for an unfortunate amount of time. I went from being encouraging and speaking of God’s graciousness almost daily, to feeling as if what I wanted to say just wasn’t good enough at all. That I couldn’t possibly put into words just how great He is, has been, and forever will be. And so, I managed to just not say anything. Every time I would go to praise Christ openly, I was at a loss for words. Seriously, the words just left me.
Identity Crisis: From Cubicles to Cribs
So in 2009 when I married my sweetheart of 5 years, babies where far from our minds and finishing school was my number one priority! It ended up taking me 7 years to finish my undergraduate degree because I held down a 50 hours a week full-time job while attending school. I majored in Information Systems Security and I had aspirations to help change the stigma of women (especially women of color) not pursuing careers in the I.T. Industry. By the time I finished my course I walked across the stage to receive my B.S. Degree 5 months pregnant! With child and all, I remember thinking that the sky was the limit!