7 Heavenly Promises for the Weary Mom.0
7 Heavenly Promises for the Weary Mom
Diaper change number four. BEEP! Good, laundry load number 2 finished. BUZZ. Text: "What’s for dinner?” Sigh. Well it’s thirty minutes until nap-time, so soon I can figure that out, and maybe wipe down the kitchen. Wait, isn’t church Bible study tonight? I haven’t done the homework! I'll have to scan it on the drive over.
All too easily my mind falls into this thinking—what I call “calculator mode”—as I seek to squeeze in each task as it comes. My perspective for the day almost turns mechanical, defined by a list of chores that must be done with hurried, machine-like productivity.
Though all the clothes are clean, food is on the table, and the baby well-rested, there's the potential for my own heart to feel spiritually dusty, hungry, and weary. The day God has so wonderfully given in some sense feels like a waste. Why?
I may have outwardly fulfilled my responsibilities, but I overlooked the opportunities to joyfully work unto God, to delight in my faith in Jesus.
“As busy moms, we can fly through our to-do list without pausing to reflect on its heavenly purpose. We can miss chances to praise the Lord through song during chores, to share Him with our kids in moments of learning, to rely upon His wisdom in our daily dilemmas. We can even question the point of it all, succumbing to discontentment. ”
As busy moms, we can fly through our to-do list without pausing to reflect on its heavenly purpose. We can miss chances to praise the Lord through song during chores, to share Him with our kids in moments of learning, to rely upon His wisdom in our daily dilemmas. We can even question the point of it all, succumbing to discontentment.
That's the danger of "calculator mode"—living with a tiring temporary perspective, rather than a vibrant eternal one. What do I mean by an eternal perspective?
An eternal perspective involves actively recalling God's promises in our heart. It’s remembering that our perseverance in the difficult helps prepare our families for future glory (2 Corinthians 4:17). It’s understanding that when we overcome subtle sin in our homes, we stand as lights to the world (Philippians 15-2:14).
Whether we’re experiencing tedious days or dark days, we must remember that if we endure for Christ we will live alongside Him forever. We are not only mothers called by God's grace, but blessed "conquerors" in this suffering and broken world through Christ's love (Romans 8:37-39).
These nuggets of God’s truth can slip through the cracks when we become discouraged. If you’re about to burst from life’s pressures, on the verge of giving up or giving in to sin, pay attention friend. Remain steadfast. Hope awaits. In the wearisome season of motherhood you only have to look at God’s Word for newfound joy!
There is one place in the Bible that provides a brilliant picture of heaven to hold onto—Revelation. Although known to be complex and mysterious, this final book of Scripture has powerful encouragement.
In chapters two and three, Jesus peppers his message to the church with an amazing set of promises. He assures believers—those transformed through faith in His sacrifice and resurrection—that the rewards for our toil are great.
What does that mean for us as Christian women? We can always live victoriously and profoundly because the Holy Spirit lives in us forever. We work by God’s power and not our own, knowing that faithfulness in our mothering and homemaking reaps these heavenly gifts:
1. We will have everlasting access to God’s paradise. (Revelation 2:7)
2. We do not have to fear death, both the physical one and the eternal one—judgment. (Revelation 2:11)
3.We will personally receive from Jesus a special, secret, one-of-a-kind title. (Revelation 2:17)
4. We will rule with Christ in His Kingdom, and experience His presence completely. (Revelation 2:26)
5. We will be perfected in righteousness, clothed in pure white—eternally in His book of life and accepted by God the Father. (Revelation 3:5)
6. We will dwell in God’s heavenly home permanently, officially named as one of His own. (Revelation 3:12)
7. We will be honored at the Father’s throne, co-heirs with Jesus, basking in God’s glory. (Revelation 3:21)
It almost seems too good to be true, but sister, in this case it is true! God never fails to meet His promises.
Next time your mind is in a whirlwind of frustration, sorrow, or fatigue, recall these future blessings. Let them boost your joy in Jesus, giving tremendous meaning to your service in your home. Day by day your motherhood matters, because as you set your eyes on Christ, you will reflect to your children the glory that lies ahead.