Scripture Based Affirmations

Scripture Based Affirmations


Reach for the things that are good for your soul.

Introducing our powerful faith-based affirmations.

As busy and overwhelmed moms, we sometimes forget there’s so much to be thankful for. Or we get so overwhelmed with everything that we neglect ourselves. But as you embrace grace on your journey of motherhood, a simple affirmation at your fingertips can help make a big difference.

When you’re not caring for your children, you’re probably working, or supporting your friends or community.

So, where’s the best place to place an affirmation that can change your life even as it grows your faith? Is it on your bathroom mirror? Your work desk?

Let’s reprogram our minds, based on faith, starting with one simple trick – place the affirmations in a place where you see them over and over.

For affirmations to work, you must keep them in focus and repeat them daily. And one of the best places to start is with a set of focused affirmations printed for your life. It gives you practice repeating your affirmations multiple times daily. With positive, emotional, and faith- based affirmations, you can:

  • Reshape your personal beliefs about self, as a woman of faith, and as a mom

  • Program your mind to believe the stated concept and realign your thought processes

  • Focus and reinforce the good things in your life

  • Improve your overall health and spiritual well-being with positive affirmations

Printed on 5x7 full color, front and back, heavy card stock, these 18 page gorgeous affirmations can be framed, or carried with you to work, in your car, or anywhere that you need encouragement. The reminders will help you to keep God’s love and intentions for you front of mind.

Self-Care for moms can begin with a change in our mindset. It is especially important when dealing with the stressors that come in this world. These Affirmations were designed to help you use your faith to support your mental and emotional health. Used daily, moms of faith can find a way to hold on to truth when experiencing day to day stress.

Get your faith-based Affirmation Card Set today.

When you order an Affirmation Card Set you’re telling yourself that you desire more peace, joy, and faith in your mind.

You’re setting the stage for growing with affirmation and starting a habit for life.

Every time you read one you will be reminded of these powerful affirmations to change your life.

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18 - 5x7 full color, double-sided cards delivered to your door


Quick Fasting Guide

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Faith-Based Affirmations Phone Wallpaper

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Faith-Based Affirmation Computer Wallpapers
