Heart Talk Notes: Peace with Your Children's Father
Heart Talk is a weekly space for Black Christian moms to gather every Saturday at 8 AM for genuine, heartfelt discussions. Each session brings together moms from diverse backgrounds for real conversations that are honest, vulnerable, and grounded in faith. Topics range from motherhood and relationships to self-care and spiritual growth, offering support and guidance to help moms thrive.
Heart Talk Notes: Peace in Our Homes with Rashida
Join us for Heart Talk, a powerful and uplifting prayer gathering for moms. Led by faith-driven women, this event is designed to help you find peace, even in life’s chaos. Whether you’re dealing with stress, sibling conflicts, or personal struggles, Heart Talk offers a safe space to connect, pray, and invite God’s calming presence into your home and heart. Let’s come together to seek His peace and encouragement for our journeys as mothers.
Postpartum Rest: Traditional Moroccan Postpartum Care for New Moms in Philadelphia
Looking for a postpartum doula near Philadelphia? Discover the healing support of traditional Moroccan postpartum care in Philadelphia. Postpartum Rest provides holistic services to empower new moms with compassionate and personalized care. Experience the transformative journey with healing support for new moms in Philadelphia.
South Jersey Mommy Meet Up: Growing Up Gorgeous - A place for moms to recharge.
Are you a mom in South Jersey who feels like she is constantly running on empty? Do you feel overwhelmed and out of control? If so, Soft Saturday's could be the answer. This monthly event is designed to help you reset your mind, body, and soul. Through Christian faith-based practices and a supportive community of sisters, this experience will leave you feeling refreshed and restored.
MomsGiving 2022: Grace & Gratitude in South Jersey
As a community our Black moms group in New Jersey was blessed to gather together for an evening of self-care and stress relief. The live event was a special time for moms to get to know one another and celebrate the year. New moms, postpartum moms that were recovering, and moms of older and younger children all found a common ground at this event in Burlington County, New Jersey.
What You Should Know About The Upcoming MomsGiving
MomsGiving will be a time of good food, laughter, and reflection. We would love for you to join us.
Gorgeous Mama Award 2022
Something went down in another mom's group that really got to me. A mama asked about moving to a New Jersey inner city and people went in.
Moms Group New Jersey/Philadelphia News - October 14, 2022
The South Jersey ladies who attended Mindfulness & Movement led by Bernai Holman of www.gostrongfitness.com. We had a beautiful time!
25 Small Changes Moms of Color Can Make Towards Wellness & Clean Living
Don’t we all agree that making small steps towards wellness would benefit our families? Whether its choosing healthier foods, eating organically, buying non-toxic products, or meditating daily, we all want healthier lives for ourselves and our children.
Unfortunately, changing habits and switching to an all-natural and organic lifestyle can seem costly and overwhelming. With all the things on your mind as a mom of color, I recommend making small changes towards healthier living. Here are 25 bite-sized ways to live a more natural, clean, and healthier lifestyle.
Life of Acosta: Marriage Moments with Yvonne Simms
Yvonne Simms interview with Miguel & Christina Acosta. Read along as they discuss marriage, motherhood and ministry.
I was thinking that relationships get better with time as you build. We were coming together, we were both broken. We were building. I didn’t want to have that fairytale in my mind. My pastor uses the analogy from the movie “I’m Gonna Get You Sucker”. Guy takes girl home and she takes off the fake hair, the fake legs, etc. I didn’t want it to be like that so I thought, “let’s just build from here”. Both perspectives we wrong though. We should have enjoyed one another and cherished our time before children. We should have vacationed more and done more things together. Instead, we just wanted to waste money on Chinese food (*laughter*)…and argue.
KidFit NJ: An Epic Party with Growing Up Gorgeous - South Jersey Moms Community!
The mamas of Growing Up Gorgeous Moms South Jersey (GUG) were able to catch up at their first Family Event of the year. KidFit New Jersey (KidFit), located in Cherry Hill, provided the perfect location for the kids to party hard and the parents to take a break. What should you expect when throwing a birthday party or event at KidFit? Parents can expect children to move their bodies in the expansive gym, have attentive support from the staff, and for everyone to have extraordinary fun at a KidFit party.
A Resource for Moms Who Want to Be Well
I want to know more about eating well and raising the girls in a healthier environment. So I've decided to head down to Atlanta in October for The Shiftcon Conference. Shiftcon was created to give wellness influencers a place to network, share ideas, and learn from experts. I cannot wait to share with you guys all that I learn.
The Hopes and Fears in Raising a Minority Child
The day I started dating my husband, Edward, was the first day I started hearing comments about how our future children would turn out. One of the first reactions I received on my interracial relationship went something like this: “Hey, I’m happy for you, but oh my, I can already see it, you’re going to have really dark kids with crazy hair! What are you going to do about your child’s hair?!” Comments like this annoyed me and made me wonder why my future children being dark with tightly coiled hair was such a bad thing. Contrary to what everyone expected, my firstborn son, Emmanuel, was born with light skin and fine hair, and the comments turned into: “Oh he’s beautiful, so glad he got your good genes!” To most, he is a precious Hispanic boy, seemingly without a trace of blackness. I easily feel offended and a myriad of fears creep into my heart.
South Jersey Vacation Bible Schools - Summer 2019
Every summer, churches all over New Jersey hold Vacation Bible School (VBS) for local children. VBS is a mini-camp with lots of singing, games, crafts, and a biblical focus. Think Sunday School meets Summer Camp, but for free.
It's God's Grace
For context, I was 12 years old, weighed 86 pounds, wore glasses and was freshly removed from an unforgiving elementary stint with braces. There was no mistake. His cruel taunts were in reference to my noticeably underdeveloped body.
Throughout my adolescent years, the destructive messages I internalized were everywhere. The lighter skinned, long-haired women frequently featured in music videos on BET’s 106 & Park told me that my short hair and darker skin were not as pretty. I seriously believed nothing about me would ever be desirable.