It's God's Grace
For context, I was 12 years old, weighed 86 pounds, wore glasses and was freshly removed from an unforgiving elementary stint with braces. There was no mistake. His cruel taunts were in reference to my noticeably underdeveloped body.
Throughout my adolescent years, the destructive messages I internalized were everywhere. The lighter skinned, long-haired women frequently featured in music videos on BET’s 106 & Park told me that my short hair and darker skin were not as pretty. I seriously believed nothing about me would ever be desirable.
South Jersey Moms Coterie: Family Splash Party
We had a blast at our South Jersey Moms Coterie family splash party on June 24th at Goldfish Swim School in Mount Laurel, New Jersey.
South Jersey Churches Hosting Vacation Bible School
Every summer, churches all over the country hold Vacation Bible School (VBS) for local children. The event usually lasts for a few days, and provides children with an awesome, enriching, and spiritual experience. There are themes, crafts, music and most importantly a focus on spiritual growth.
7 Heavenly Promises for the Weary Mom.0
Diaper change number four. BEEP! Good, laundry load number 2 finished. BUZZ. Text: "What’s for dinner?” Sigh. Well it’s thirty minutes until nap-time, so soon I can figure that out, and maybe wipe down the kitchen. Wait, isn’t church Bible study tonight? I haven’t done the homework! I'll have to scan it on the drive over.