A Resource for Moms Who Want to Be Well

Y'all a shift is happening in our little family. We have been slowly making better food choices and products that we buy.

This means consuming a plant-based diet, using natural beauty products, and swapping tons of household goods for less "dirty" items.

The impact has been incredible. I have already seen improvement in my skin & weight since the top of the year. I'm also not wasting cash on low-quality junk food that does nothing to satisfy the girls summer hunger (y'all know kids have a diff stomach in the summertime 😉) We are in this for the long-haul.

I want to know more about eating well and raising the girls in a healthier environment. So I've decided to head down to Atlanta in October for The Shiftcon Conference. Shiftcon was created to give wellness influencers a place to network, share ideas, and learn from experts. I cannot wait to share with you guys all that I learn.

If you're a blogger, and wellness is your jam 🎶, holla at your girl. You should know about Shiftcon and I'd ❤ to share more. Shoot me a DM with questions or to use my code to join us in Atlanta.

From their site:


“ShiftCon is an eco-wellness influencer conference focusing on food, wellness, health, sustainability and platform growth. Shifters are part of an online influencer community that seek healthier and more sustainable lives, promote brands that mirror their values, and help causes that speak to their soul. Our influencers span between newbies, light and deep green. Shift happens. Be part of it.

Click here to join us:



Here's to better health & wellness to you and your families! - Christina

Christina is a wife and mama of three girls. She is the founder of Growing Up Gorgeous Moms and lives in South Jersey. As a business owner, homeschool mom and fire-fighter wife, she loves to share about her day to day life. Follow her on Instagram @lifeofacosta

Click here to learn more about the South Jersey Moms: www.growingupgorgeous.com


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