25 Small Changes Moms of Color Can Make Towards Wellness & Clean Living
Don’t we all agree that making small steps towards wellness would benefit our families? Whether its choosing healthier foods, eating organically, buying non-toxic products, or meditating daily, we all want healthier lives for ourselves and our children.
Unfortunately, changing habits and switching to an all-natural and organic lifestyle can seem costly and overwhelming. With all the things on your mind as a mom of color, I recommend making small changes towards healthier living. Here are 25 bite-sized ways to live a more natural, clean, and healthier lifestyle.
Life of Acosta: Marriage Moments with Yvonne Simms
Yvonne Simms interview with Miguel & Christina Acosta. Read along as they discuss marriage, motherhood and ministry.
I was thinking that relationships get better with time as you build. We were coming together, we were both broken. We were building. I didn’t want to have that fairytale in my mind. My pastor uses the analogy from the movie “I’m Gonna Get You Sucker”. Guy takes girl home and she takes off the fake hair, the fake legs, etc. I didn’t want it to be like that so I thought, “let’s just build from here”. Both perspectives we wrong though. We should have enjoyed one another and cherished our time before children. We should have vacationed more and done more things together. Instead, we just wanted to waste money on Chinese food (*laughter*)…and argue.
KidFit NJ: An Epic Party with Growing Up Gorgeous - South Jersey Moms Community!
The mamas of Growing Up Gorgeous Moms South Jersey (GUG) were able to catch up at their first Family Event of the year. KidFit New Jersey (KidFit), located in Cherry Hill, provided the perfect location for the kids to party hard and the parents to take a break. What should you expect when throwing a birthday party or event at KidFit? Parents can expect children to move their bodies in the expansive gym, have attentive support from the staff, and for everyone to have extraordinary fun at a KidFit party.
A Resource for Moms Who Want to Be Well
I want to know more about eating well and raising the girls in a healthier environment. So I've decided to head down to Atlanta in October for The Shiftcon Conference. Shiftcon was created to give wellness influencers a place to network, share ideas, and learn from experts. I cannot wait to share with you guys all that I learn.