Motherhood - The Joy of Supporting One Another
Most moms can relate to feeling like we are living under a microscope with people watching us and waiting to criticize us about anything that they do not agree with or understand. It could be the disapproving glance of a nosy lady at Target because your child is misbehaving publicly or incredulous looks if you choose to continue nursing your toddler.
South Jersey Moms Coterie: Family Splash Party
We had a blast at our South Jersey Moms Coterie family splash party on June 24th at Goldfish Swim School in Mount Laurel, New Jersey.
Learning to Swim at Goldfish Swim School: South Jersey Moms
We found the new Goldfish Swim School in Mt. Laurel, New Jersey. Goldfish offers the very best and most comfortable option for children to learn to swim in South Jersey. I am so grateful that they get this experience and want to share with you the top reasons why we love Goldfish Swim:
South Jersey Churches Hosting Vacation Bible School
Every summer, churches all over the country hold Vacation Bible School (VBS) for local children. The event usually lasts for a few days, and provides children with an awesome, enriching, and spiritual experience. There are themes, crafts, music and most importantly a focus on spiritual growth.
Motherhood - The Joy of Supporting One Another
Most moms can relate to feeling like we are living under a microscope with people watching us and waiting to criticize us about anything that they do not agree with or understand. It could be the disapproving glance of a nosy lady at Target because your child is misbehaving publicly or incredulous looks if you choose to continue nursing your toddler.
7 Heavenly Promises for the Weary Mom.0
Diaper change number four. BEEP! Good, laundry load number 2 finished. BUZZ. Text: "What’s for dinner?” Sigh. Well it’s thirty minutes until nap-time, so soon I can figure that out, and maybe wipe down the kitchen. Wait, isn’t church Bible study tonight? I haven’t done the homework! I'll have to scan it on the drive over.
Breaking My Silence
What story? That of a writer, an artist, and someone who typically loved to uplift and encourage others, who had been battling with a serious feeling of inadequacy as a mother, wife, business owner, and most importantly, as a Christian. This feeling had affected me so that it actually silenced me for an unfortunate amount of time. I went from being encouraging and speaking of God’s graciousness almost daily, to feeling as if what I wanted to say just wasn’t good enough at all. That I couldn’t possibly put into words just how great He is, has been, and forever will be. And so, I managed to just not say anything. Every time I would go to praise Christ openly, I was at a loss for words. Seriously, the words just left me.
Identity Crisis: From Cubicles to Cribs
So in 2009 when I married my sweetheart of 5 years, babies where far from our minds and finishing school was my number one priority! It ended up taking me 7 years to finish my undergraduate degree because I held down a 50 hours a week full-time job while attending school. I majored in Information Systems Security and I had aspirations to help change the stigma of women (especially women of color) not pursuing careers in the I.T. Industry. By the time I finished my course I walked across the stage to receive my B.S. Degree 5 months pregnant! With child and all, I remember thinking that the sky was the limit!