Postpartum Rest Workshop: Cherry Hill, New Jersey

Postpartum Rest Workshop: Cherry Hill, New Jersey


Using Traditional Moroccan Medicine, we have designed this workshop to give you practical tools for your postpartum recovery. Your admission covers both you and a support partner.

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Steam Bath + Womb Steam - Nurture Her Untitled design-20.png

Steam Bath + Womb Steam - Nurture Her

Belly Binding - Support Her Moroccan Postpartum Doula Restoration

Belly Binding - Support Her

Celebrate Her - All Services + Food + Celebration 25CC991E-19EF-48CA-976A-55E7CB88C47B

Celebrate Her - All Services + Food + Celebration

Closing of the Bones + Belly Binding - Close Her 25CC991E-19EF-48CA-976A-55E7CB88C47B

Closing of the Bones + Belly Binding - Close Her

Deluxe Package - Support, Close, & Nurture Her 25CC991E-19EF-48CA-976A-55E7CB88C47B

Deluxe Package - Support, Close, & Nurture Her

from $750.00