25 Small Changes Moms of Color Can Make Towards Wellness & Clean Living
Don’t we all agree that making small steps towards wellness would benefit our families? Whether its choosing healthier foods, eating organically, buying non-toxic products, or meditating daily, we all want healthier lives for ourselves and our children.
Unfortunately, changing habits and switching to an all-natural and organic lifestyle can seem costly and overwhelming. With all the things on your mind as a mom of color, I recommend making small changes towards healthier living. Here are 25 bite-sized ways to live a more natural, clean, and healthier lifestyle.
A Resource for Moms Who Want to Be Well
I want to know more about eating well and raising the girls in a healthier environment. So I've decided to head down to Atlanta in October for The Shiftcon Conference. Shiftcon was created to give wellness influencers a place to network, share ideas, and learn from experts. I cannot wait to share with you guys all that I learn.